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Many thanks to the

Naval Order of the United States of America

through the efforts of Fred Passman and Mark Wixom

for their unwaiving recent support . . .

in developing the first two first parts of

the presentation of "Naval Battle of Pungdo, 1894, 

recently presented by CAPT Roger Crossland, USN (Ret.) 

Part I, on August 29 , 2024,

and then on

Part II, October 17, 2024.


December 7th, 2023, 


was a particularly apt day day for a radio interview addressing

my novel of desperation and redemption centered on the 1913 pre-World War Asiatic Fleet.

The complex tensions in the Pacific

would continue for another three

decades and burst into flame

on that Day of Infamy.

Pat Rullo was right

interviewer for

the occasion.

The 30 minute


can be






(don't know if this link will work off this website, if it doesn't just cut and paste the URL to the box on your computer if it doesn't.)








July 20, 2023 – Speak Up Talk Radio announced the recent FIREBIRD BOOK AWARDS contest winners.


One of the winning entries was from Connecticut author Roger "R. L." Crossland, whose book titled THE ABALONE UKULELE: A Tale of Far Eastern Intrigue earned "winner" titles in a rare breadth of literary categories:

1.      Historical Fiction,

2.      Action/Adventure, (sea story aficianadoes take note) 

3.      Crime Fiction,

4.      Military Fiction,

5.      War Fiction, and

6.      General Fiction (a particularly broad and competitive categoroy/ 


Authors and publishers worldwide submitted their work to the International Firebird Book Awards. Two judges from a select panel of 27 read each book and independently scored each entry. All judges commit to a set of standardized criteria that evaluates the quality of the writing as well as production aspects. Only entries with the highest scores are awarded the coveted Firebird.


Patricia J. Rullo, the founder of the Firebird Book Awards, says, "The Firebird Book Awards adds a charitable twist that allows the author's entry fee to be tax-deductible. In return, we make handmade fun and colorful pillowcases and send them with children's books to women and children who are experiencing homelessness, including the shelter Enchanted Makeovers, a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. In this way, authors get notoriety for their work while helping to transform homeless shelters into bright and happy homes. While it feels good to win a book award, it feels even better to do good and serve others."


The Firebird Book Award judging panel includes a diverse group who represent a cross-section of ages, cultural heritage, races, religions, gender, and experience.  At Speak Up Talk Radio, we offer creative people a welcome place to promote themselves via book awards, podcast awards, radio interviews, audiobook production, and podcasting services, including free opportunities to be featured in the BOOMBANGOHMYGOSHWOW podcast, where authors share short but helpful tips with fellow authors as well as share guest posts on our Blogatini.


The Firebird Book Awards run quarterly contests so authors can receive recognition on a timely basis. Authors from all genres, mainstream, independent, and self-published, are welcome. For additional winning authors, titles, and entry information: https://www.speakuptalkradio.com







         In recognition of his contribution to military and naval literature, Captain Roger L. Crossland, USN (Ret.) was awarded The Military Order of Saint Louis on December 4, 2022, in White Plains, New York.

        Roger Crossland is the author of the historic novel, The Abalone Ukulele: A Tale of Far Eastern Intrigue as well as having been an actual combatant, or otherwise involved, in special operations, usually in the Far East, including Vietnam, Afghanistan, and nine times to Korea, as a US Navy SEAL. Captain Crossland also served as Chief Staff Officer, and then Commanding Officer NR COMUSKOREA.

        The Military Order of Saint Louis, which originated in the ancien régime of Bourbon France as a mark of military merit, was reconstituted as part of the Bicentennial of the American War for Independence (1776-1783), for the purpose of recognizing significant activities for better understanding of the military contributions of France, and of Americans, to the achievement and defense of the independence of the United States.

        In 1999, at West Point, it was revived in coordination with the Priory of Saint Patrick and its purpose became a token for the purpose of recognizing contributions to military/naval literature which heightened awareness of the plight of those at risk.

        The Grand Priory of the United States of America is autonomously affiliated with the Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani (OSMTH). OSMTH is recognized by the United Nations as the only Knights Templar, charitable, non-governmental organization (NGO).


         OSMTH is known for building bridges for peace and understanding.


         Previous recipients of this award include:


         Thomas Fleming, A Disease in the Public Mind and other works; James Bradley, Flags of Our Fathers; Philip Caputo, Rumor of War; Colonel David Fitz Enz, Why a Soldier and The Final Invasion; Colonel Charles Waterhouse, Marines and Others and Delta to DMZ; Samantha Power, A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide * Winner of the Pulitzer Prize; Don Troiani, Troiani's Civil War; Colonel John Grider Miller, The Bridge at Dong Ha * Winner of the General Wallace M. Greene, Jr. Book Award from Marine Corps Historical Foundation; Jason Conroy Battle to Baghdad; Major Sean Michael Flynn, The Fighting 69th: One Remarkable National Guard Unit's Journey from Ground Zero to Baghdad; Alex Storozynski, The Peasant Prince: Thaddeus Kosciuszko and the Age of Revolution * Winner of the 2010 Fraunces Tavern Museum Book Award; Stephen L. F L. Harris, author of a Trilogy of regiments of the New York National Guard in the First World War: Duffy's War: Fr, Francis Duffy, Wild Bill Donovan, and the Irish Fighting 69th in World War I, Harlem's Hell Fighters: The African-American 369th Infantry in World War I, Duty Honor Privilege: New York's Silk Stocking Regiment and the Breaking of the Line; Rear Adm W F . O'Rourke, Red Banner Mutiny; Rear Admiral Joseph F. Callo, John Paul Jones: America's First Sea Warrior * Winner, Samuel Eliot Morison Award for Naval Literature; George Daughan, Ph.D., 1812: The Navy's War; Michael Korda, Clouds of Glory: The Life and Legend of Robert E. Lee.


         Thank you for your patience. A lot to digest here. The recently revised paperback edition with the Farragut Award banner are your best bet for the novel in full. Most likely you'll know the ebook and hardback editions have completed revision when they too fly the Farragut Award banner across their cover. 



My humble gratitude to

LTC Chev Joseph McKeegan GCTJ, COL Chev Dave Peake GOTJ, BG Baron John Digilio GCTJ and CAPT Chev Liam Murphy GCTJ,

for making me aware of this competition,


for their patience, encouragement and support.



The author received the Admiral David Glasgow Farragut Book Award

for THE ABALONE UKULELE" A Tale of Far Eastern Intrigue

from the Burke Chapter of the Association of the United States Navy (AUSN) at a Mess Night held on October 14, 2022, commemorating the

247th birthday of the United States Navy at a yacht club on Long Island Sound.


Many humble thanks to

Thomas Dufficy, CAPT, USN (Ret.), Frank Goldzer, CAPT, USN,


(Ret.), Hugh Gibbons, NYNM, and Peter Schneider, CDR, USN (Ret.)

for their  support and the great aura of camaraderie they generated.


The author will give a brief luncheon address

on the writing of

THE ABALONE UKULELE: A Tale of Far Eastern Intrigue in Manhattan to Naval Order of the United States - New York Chapter, its members and their guests on April 4, 2022.




Always gratifying and edifying

to break bread with the naval order companions

of the New York Commandery of the Naval Order of the United States.


Particular thanks to

John Cupschalk, Don Schuld, and Jeremy Poth for their support and many courtesies.

The Abalone Ukulele: A Tale of Far Eastern Intrigue

Zoom Seminar with Author CAPT R.L. Crossland, USN (Ret.)

Saturday, 26 February 2022:

Welcome & Lecture at 11:00 AM ET





This was a great, well-attended virtual event

with the members of the National Maritime Historical Society and readers of Sea History.


Many thanks for the excellent coordinative support

of James Noone, Burchenal Green, and Heather Purvis.